Fabricante profesional de máquinas de conductos HVAC
  • Exportar a Qatar
    Exportar a Qatar
    Exporte siete maquinarias a Qatar: la máquina de coser F-301, la máquina formadora de cerraduras LC-12DR, la máquina plegadora manual TDF-1.5X2000, la máquina formadora de conductos en espiral HCY-1500, la línea de producción automática de conductos 3 HCY-3-1300 y la fabricación de codos. Máquina HCY-1.2x1250 y Máquina laminadora de 3 rodillos W11-1.5x1350. Después de un largo período de comunicación por correo electrónico, finalmente llegamos a un acuerdo de cooperación. Muchas gracias por el reconocimiento del cliente y también les deseo un próspero negocio.
  • Export to Myanmar
    Export to Myanmar
    Export five machinery to Myanmar,they are HCY-1.2 spiral duct forming machine,Semi-automatic duct electric elbow making machine,Electric Rolling Machine,Rotary Beading Machine and Spot Welding Machine.The original expectation of the customer was to purchase three large pieces of machines, but during communication and cooperation, the customer pointed out that there was still a need for welding and Beading. Therefore, based on the customer's requirements, we matched five pieces of machines for the customer, and the customer gladly accepted our cooperation. Thank you for the customer's trust, and we wish the customer's business continued success.
  • Export to Sri Lanka
    Export to Sri Lanka
    Export a hydraulic punching machine to Sri Lanka,The customer was very anxious to purchase equipment for production work. After communicating his intention, he directly ordered the equipment. Thanks to our customers for their support and trust, and I wish them great financial success.
  • Export to Nigeria
    Export to Nigeria
    Export three machines to Nigeria,one Duct Elbow Making Machine ,one Pittsburgh Lock Forming Machine and one Roud duct seaming machine .The communication was very pleasant, and the transaction and order were placed within a week. Thank you for the customer's support and trust, and I hope the customer continues to improve.
  • Export to Armenia
    Export to Armenia
    Export four machiners to the Armenia,they are TDF Flange Forming Machine,Five lines Beading Machine,pittsburgh lock forming machine,and duct power press.Thank you very much for cooperating with our client. We hope their business will continue to thrive。
  • Export to Panama
    Export to Panama
    Export one pittsburgh lock forming machine and one manual folding machine to Panama,During the communication process, the customer expressed that they are very strict about the quality of the product,After watching the mechanical operation through video, the customer was very pleased to reach a cooperation with us。
  • Export to Greece
    Export to Greece
    Export three machiners to Greece,they are round duct electric elbow making machine,Electric Rolling Machine and pittsburgh lock forming machine,During the communication process, we showed the client a video of mechanical operation, and then the client communicated with us.
  • Export to Rwanda
    Export to Rwanda
    Export seven machines to Rwanda,they are three Pittsburgh Lock Forming Machines,two Duct Beading Machines,one Electric Shearing Machine and one Folding Machine.Thanks to our customers for their support!
  • Export to Serbia
    Export to Serbia
    Export one Corner Code Assembly Machine and one Pneumatic Folding Machine to Serbia,This customer has communicated with many manufacturers, and after comparing and watching the mechanical operation through video, they ultimately chose us. We appreciate the customer's trust and hope that their business will continue to improve.
  • Export to Bolivia
    Export to Bolivia
    Export two machinery to Boliviat,they are Electric Plate 3 Roll Bending Machine,and Pittsburgh Lock Forming Machine.At first, the customer was only going to purchase one Electric Plate 3 Roll Bending Machine,After video communication with us, we visited our factory and finally decided to purchase all machinery. Thank you for your trust and wish you a prosperous business.
  • Export to Mongolia
    Export to Mongolia
    Export one Rotary Beading Machine to Mongolia,It only took half a day from the customer's purchase request to placing the order, and the spot goods were shipped on the same day. Thank you for the customer's trust.
  • Export to Argentina
    Export to Argentina
    Exported eleven pieces of machinery to Argentina, namely Lock Forming Machine HCY-126,Dovetait Collar Machine DCM-07,Electric Shearing Machine 011-2x1500,Decoilef,TDF Corner Machine,TDF Flange Forming Machine T-12,Elbow Making Machine,Reel Machine,Decoiler,Rolling Machine and snap Lock Forming Machine,The customer chose the matching machine and thanked him for his trust.
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